Architectural settings found in NYC seem to be in constant flux and possess unwritten
stories through the perspective of a voyeur. My work captures these intimate vistas
of city life. The pieces act as stage sets and present the interconnections that occur
among private, public, and intermediary spaces. These sculptures, depicting the
interiors of urban dwellings as loci of imagination and memory, address urban life’s
paradoxical combination of isolation and forced intimacy–of ‘boundaries that
slip away.’
These sculpture dioramas depict interiors of walk-up, tenement buildings. Railroad,
reflects an intimate view of an urban apartment and Foyer explores how stairwells
merge private and public spaces. These interiors, reminds us that as urban dwellers, we
are constantly acting as voyeurs to silent worlds outside our personal realms.
The intricately detailed miniature worlds merge small-scale models, photographs,
mirrors and lights to establish a sense of complex architectural space. This
combination of materials also creates the illusion of rooms that expand beyond the
boundaries of the box, similar to the way the city seems to offer constant spaces to
be discovered.



Creative Fields